Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

(Tugas 3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)

“Neraca Perdagangan Awal Tahun Diprediksi Melemah”

Menteri Keuangan Muhamad Chatib Basri mengatakan neraca perdagangan pada awal tahun ini diprediksi melemah dan berpotensi mengalami defisit. Menurut dia, kondisi itu merupakan cermin siklus tahunan jika kinerja dagang pada awal tahun masih belum maksimal. (Baca juga : Strategi Menteri Chatib Tekan Defisit Negara)"Bisa (defisit). Saya lihat tahun-tahun lalu itu kalau Januari ekspornya relatif kecil karena baru mulai. Kami belum tahu forcast angkanya. Kalau pun surplus kecil," kata Chatib di Kompleks Parlemen Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa, 25 Februari 2014.
Dia meminta pasar tidak kaget dengan kondisi tersebut. Menurut dia, meskipun kondisi ekonomi sudah mulai membaik, ekonomi tidak bisa langsung berlari kencang dan semua persoalan sudah selesai. "Harus pelan-pelan sampai current account deficit (defisit transaksi berjalan) 2,5 persen. Kalau surplus kecil atau defisit ini hanya temporary. Nanti dia akan terus mengalami kenaikan," katanya. (Lihat juga : Menkeu Targetkan Defisit Transaksi Berjalan Turun)
Deputi Gubernur Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo sebelumnya optimistis defisit transaksi berjalan pada 2014 akan menurun. Alasannya, portofolio investasi yang masuk ke Indonesia tahun ini diperkirakan cukup besar dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu yang hanya US$ 10 miliar. Selain itu, neraca perdagangan juga diperkirakan mengalami surplus pada 2014.  Secara musiman, neraca pembayaran triwulan pertama akan lebih rendah dari triwulan keempat tahun 2014. (Berita terkait : BI Optimistis Defisit Transaksi Berjalan Menurun)
»Sedangkan di triwulan kedua jika dibandingkan pada trwulan pertama, setelah itu akan turun di triwulan ketiga dan keempat,”  ujar Perry.

“Trade Balance at Beginning of Year Predicted to Weaken”

Finance Minister Muhammad Chatib Basri said the trade balance at the beginning of this year is predicted to weaken and potentially a deficit. According to him, it is a reflection of the condition if the yearly cycle in early trade performance is not maximized. (Read also: Strategy Minister of State Deficit Chatib Press) "Can (deficit). I saw years ago that if January is relatively small because exports are just beginning. Forcast We do not know the numbers. If any small surplus," said Chatib in Parliament Complex in Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 25, 2014.
He asked not to shock the market with these conditions. According to him, despite the economic conditions have started to improve, the economy can not be directly run fast and all the issues have been completed. "Should slowly until the current account deficit (current account deficit) of 2.5 percent. If a small surplus or deficit is only temporary. Later he would continue to rise," he said. (See also: Current Account Deficit Target minister Down)
Bank Indonesia Deputy Governor Perry Warjiyo previous optimistic the current account deficit in 2014 will decline. The reason, portfolio investment into Indonesia this year is quite large compared to the last year only U.S. $ 10 billion. In addition, the trade balance is also expected to have a surplus in 2014. Seasonally, the first quarter balance of payments will be lower than the fourth quarter of 2014. (Related News: BI Optimistic Current Account Deficit Decreasing)
»Meanwhile, in the second quarter compared to the first trwulan, after which it will go down in the third and fourth quarters," said Perry.

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(Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)

The majority of fires due to short circuit

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The majority of the fires occurred in North Jakarta is triggered by a short circuit. Razia held regular network, but the case of repeated fires.In addition to preparing the fire, residents are also encouraged to check the condition of wiring and electrical connections regularly and replace it if it is considered necessary.Based on data from parts of North Jakarta Fire Department, to Wednesday (27/03/2013), at least 18 cases of fires have occurred since the beginning of January 2013. Fires resulted in 38 families homeless and losses of up to Rp 24 billion.
Operations Section Chief Tribes of North Jakarta Fire Department Nurdin Silalahi said, such cases occurred last year, the recent fires more often triggered by a short circuit.Therefore, in addition to regular raids by PLN officers, citizens are encouraged to pay attention to the condition of cables and connections.Throughout the year 2012 186 fire cases occurred in North Jakarta. As a result, 2,197 families comprising 6,917 people lost their house.
The fire also resulted in four people died and 12 people were injured. Fires also cause losses of up to Rp 36.4 billion."The majority of them are triggered by a short circuit," said Nurdin. Jakarta administration, further Nurdin, will distribute 1,000 units of portable fire extinguisher for every district this year. In six sub-districts in North Jakarta, the tool is ready to be distributed.

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